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Highway Traffic Violations

Careless Driving


If you have got summons and are charged with careless driving, you may need

a qualified representation to help you fight this costly charge.


If you are convicted of careless driving , the penalties may include

heavy fines, license suspension, demerit points, imprisonment  and this

may lead into significantly  higher  insurance rates for number of year.


Luckily the standards for conviction, set by HTA, are very high. In most

careless driving charges, you may have a defense and the charge can

either be defended completely or reduced to a minor offence. Whichever

the case be, the end result would be an immediate saving from an

insurance perspective.


We know that facing a careless driving charge and lengthy court proceeding

can be frightening, even for those who believes they’re innocent. In hindsight,

through the support of our experienced team, a defensive tactic will be much easier and

less stressful on you to establish.


If you have been charged with careless driving or have any questions, please call the Buzaker Law Firm at (905) 370-0484 for 30-minutes of free consultation. At Buzaker Law Firm we  aim for success in serving you.

Driving an Electric Car

Distracted Driving

Drivers convicted of distracted driving under the new laws will be punished

with a licence suspension, a hefty fine and demerit points. The severity of the

punishment increases with the number of subsequent offences committed:

First offence: 3 days suspension and $1,000 fine.


It was only recently that Police announced that there will no longer any

warnings if caught and the person will be automatically fined.


If you have gotten charged from distracted driving you may require a

proper representation. Should you have any questions, please call the

Buzaker Law Firm at (905) 370-0484 for a free 30-minute consultation.

Driver Phone Bluetooth



Have you been issued a ticket for Traffic Violation? If that is the case, it may be

crucial for you to have a proper representation from early stages fighting against

penalties you may face under the Highway Traffic Act. At Buzaker Law Firm,

we take great joy, defending our clients successfully with HTA violation



Highway Traffic Act (HTA) violations can become very costly. If convicted

your license might be suspended, your insurance rate may dramatically

increase and in some extreme cases you may face imprisonment.


The Buzaker Law Firm offers the assistance to fight your ticket in court for

topics including distracted driving, speeding, careless driving, stunt driving and

failing to remain at the scene of the accident, as well as driving while suspended,
no license and no insurance.


If you have been charged with HTA violations or have any questions, please call the Buzaker Law Firm at (905) 370-0484 for 30-minutes of free consultation. At Buzaker Law Firm we aim for success in serving you.

Police Car

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